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Support the Art Museum unionization drive

I saw this article last night on the Philadelphia Inquirer website: "Philly art museum hires big law firm as staff seeks recognition of union."

The fact that the Philadelphia Museum of Art has hired Morgan Lewis in the attempt to defeat their own employees' unionization drive -- meaning that they are willing to invest many thousands of dollars to prevent their own workers' exercise of their federally-recognized right to organize -- is sad and revealing.

But even worse is the fact that, as the article notes, Morgan Lewis willingly and publicly admits on its website that its goal is to help clients "avoid union penetration, and strategically shape bargaining units to minimize potential union organizing victories." Great, so it seems Morgan Lewis is against workers having a say in the terms and conditions of their work. Really admirable stuff there.

Please show your support to the Art Museum employees' unionization drive and help them succeed in making Morgan Lewis feel some penetration.

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