Karla Cruel for City Council District 4
Yesterday I got word from my friend, Karla Cruel, that she's entering the race for Philadelphia City Council District 4.
Although I don't know all her positions on the issues yet, so I can't officially endorse her at this point, I can vouch for her on a personal and professional level.
For as long as I've known Karla -- back to the days when she was an intern at Philadelphia Legal Assistance when I was a staff attorney there -- she's been very sincere about her desire to help others, namely by putting her education and experience to work on behalf of other people in the community.
After her graduation from law school, she focused much of her attention on the field of landlord-tenant law, really working to ensure the dignity of the people of Philadelphia in quality-of-life issues.
I look forward to attending one of her campaign events some time soon and getting a better understanding of her positions on the issues. I urge you, especially if you live in District 4, to do the same!