One, Two, One, Two, This is Just a Test
"No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it." -- 1 Corinthians 10:13, The Message
It's not easy when things don't go your way. Sometimes there can be days, weeks, or even months where nothing seems to go your way, like the whole world and everyone in it is against you. It can be easy to get down on yourself, to lose self-esteem, to feel all alone. Believe me, I've been there.
But one thing I've always said is, "There's not much difference between being in a groove and being in a rut." It's all a matter of perseverance to get out of one and into the other.
The first thing to remember is to have faith! Read the lines above and snap out of any self-defeating self-centeredness. There are others who have been through similar situations to yours, and even worse, and they made it out alive and oftentimes even stronger than before! So have courage.
The second thing is to focus on what's within your control and do positive, productive things for your happiness, which usually means serving and doing things for others. This will help to put your rut in perspective with the needs of others. It also keeps you moving. Like water, you will get stagnant if you're not moving. So get up and get out.
The third thing is to distance yourself, to the extent possible, from the people and things that bring you any negative energy. This is part of getting out of the rut and back into the groove. Focus on the good and minimize the bad.
Finally, have the courage to get support, wherever it may be found, personally and/or professionally. This may mean spending quality time with family or friends. But this may likely mean getting help from an experienced, objective professional. If you're involved in a legal problem, and especially if you feel like you're stuck in a negative rut, call me now at (215) 613-4280.
"No test . . . that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face." Face your test head-on with an experienced attorney at your side who's walked this course with other people just like you. You can do it.